HSA Resource
As part of our commitment to care and passion for offering integrative services that are central for mind, body, and spiritual healing, Torus provides the opportunity to use HSA, HRA, and FSA funds for payment of our listed services.
Some Health Savings Account (HSA), Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA), and Flexible Savings Account (FSA) enable you to use your spendings accounts for services such as massage therapy, yoga, and reiki. You may also be able to use these accounts for our workshops, events, and meditations. Depending on the plan, it may require you to receive a recommendation from a health care professional to qualify the services as a necessary expense for treatment or prevention.
If you do not have a flexible spending card, we can provide a receipt to be submitted for potential reimbursement.
Ask today for more details!
EMDR International Association
Find out more about what EMDR is, how it is different than other therapies, who can benefit, and what one may experience.
Yoga Resources
Meditation can be a highly beneficial part of any healing process. It can help us to find calm and stillness during stressful situations, and it can also allow us to better understand ourselves by bringing more awareness to our emotions and patterns of thought. To learn more about meditation and to start practicing at home, check out the new Torus Meditation YouTube Channel:
Ayurveda is the traditional Indian system of medicine and wellness which has been practiced for over 5,000 years. It sees the body and mind as containing multiple types of energy which can create physical and emotional issues when imbalanced. Ayurveda uses a combination of herbs and dietary and lifestyles changes in order to correct these imbalances.
In Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, our bodies are made up of three energetic substances called Doshas. Imbalances in these Doshas can make us more prone to certain physical and emotional issues, and we each usually have one or two Doshas that dominate within us. Finding out about our Doshas can help us to soothe the issues of our body and mind. Here are some short quizzes that can help you figure out your dominant dosha:
Hormone Yoga
Torus Center partners with Bridgette Shaw-Bane to offer Hormone Yoga Workshops for our community. Hormone Yoga (HY) is a set sequence of dynamic yoga postures, dynamic breathing techniques, Tibetan energy techniques, and yoga nidra. HY balances hormones naturally and holistically, focusing specifically on the ovaries, thyroid, para-thyroids, pituitary and adrenal glands. HY reduces symptoms associated with Peri/Menopause, PMS, PCOS, and more. It also assists with stress levels, sleep, weight, digestion, among others. This system was created by Dinah Rodrigues, 95yr old Brazilian psychologist and yoga therapist.
More information on the Torus Energy Field and living in the heart.