Vision: To heal humanity one person at a time through connection to self, creating a spiritual practice, and community.
Torus Center desires everyone to be able to feel. We understand the level of avoidance that is being perpetuated by the society we live in. Always on the go, we don’t get to pause and reflect on life, and oftentimes may wake up one day and ask ourselves “how did I get here”?
Through that avoidance, we often are not living in the present moment, and we miss all the connection around us. The irony is that what we are craving is connection, for others to see us. And to understand us.
When you uncover the avoidance, what we uncover is the authenticity of your true self, aligned with your spiritual being inside you. When you uncover this, you unleash unlimited possibilities, through faith, trust, love, acceptance, surrender.
At Torus we have a call of action, a sense of urgency to help awaken others to live in the present moment, to feel all the feels, to see synchronicities all around, to know the truth of who we are, so that we can connect with compassion to the self, others, and the world around us. We want to heal the world one person at a time. And to always meet you where you are on your journey.
Mission: The mission of Torus Center for Integrative Healing is to provide compassionate healing therapy and practices that work in unity to allow our clients to reach their full potential through clarity, balance, and connection by tapping into your internal truth/knowing which is what we here at Torus calls, “connecting to your heart”.
This unique treatment approach unfolds the path for healing by treating emotional, mental, physical and energetic bodies. This path allows our clients to connect to the heart where truth and spirit are alive. Your heart is your knowing, and where your inner guidance resides. This is the area that brings clarity, balance, and connection to self and others. This is your most authentic self.
EMDR: To release past ancestral and present day traumas
Psychotherapy: To become aware of the emotions and find root causes to process and release
Body Work (Massage): To release emotion from the physical body
Energy Work (Reiki): To clear the energetic body
Spiritual Response Therapy: To release blocks from the spiritual body
Exercise Therapy: To rebuild the body and connect mind and body
Yoga/Meditation: To awaken oneself to oneself
Acupuncture/Chiropractic: To reset/heal and maintain energy in the body
Plant Medicine: To heal the body naturally
Transformational Coaching: To maintain one’s growth
Community: To create connection to others as you learn to connect to yourself through other people
Classes: To teach about the applications of why things work for greater knowledge of certain detailed subjects
- To enhance connection
- To educate
- To create connection
Rituals and Ceremony: To honor the process and you. For you to connect to your spiritual nature and essence so that you can feel into your knowing to help continue your faith.
Value Statement: We value faith/trust, surrender, acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, and compassion, as these understandings/lessons are the cure to healing through the lens of unconditional love.
At Torus, we give you space, safety, and connection to experience who you are without the outside noise trying to tell you who you are. We guide you back to your voice, to your inner power. We help you connect to you and guide you to learn to love yourself so that you can love your life and appreciate and accept everything in it.
Can you imagine a world like this? With every person being appreciative and accepting? Can you imagine or feel what that kind of love would be like if we all experienced it?
Torus understands that its entity is affecting the community around us in hopes of spreading to other communities so that the love gets larger and larger. We may not be able to heal in the urgency of the now, but we hope to heal our future generations through connection, safety, trust, and love.