What is SRT?
Spiritual Response Therapy is an alternative healing therapy that helps you put your past behind you and move forward. With this particular technique, it is imperative you are willing to embrace the idea of a living spirit, as well as past lives, for SRT to truly work.
Founded by the late Rev. Robert E. Detzler (1926-2013), Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a spiritual healing method that works on a soul level to release negative programming. We all have problems or symptoms that have developed from a root cause. That root cause is what we call a program. We all have positive and negative programs.
Although we do have positive programs, just like a computer may have helpful programs, SRT only works with programs that do not allow us to move into our fullest expression of ourselves.
SRT works with the subconscious mind, and allows access to your High Self committee. The programs and energies in your subconscious create blocks that are not in your awareness. SRT clears past life energies, allowing your High Self to come through and the soul to grow and expand.
In SRT, we use a pendulum to access the subconscious by asking direct questions. The pendulum swings to provide a response from the subconscious and/or the High Self. Through this practice we use the SRT charts to clear all discordant programming.
SRT & Mental Health
So often, people find themselves “stuck” in self-defeating patterns, which leads to poor mental health. They want prosperity, but deep down do not feel worthy of success. Couples desire rewarding relationships, but continue to attract relationships that are in conflict and strife. Many individuals want better health, but do not know how to achieve it.
All too often, the reasons for these blocks come from the energy of the soul. Releasing these blocks on a soul level is what SRT is all about. Many wonderful success stories exist from people who have benefitted from SRT, and include experiencing an increase in healthy relationships, prosperity, joy and happiness.
It has been my experience that using SRT to find the source of discordant energy does tremendously influence one’s health in a positive way.
What to Expect
SRT can be done in person or remotely; when working directly with Spirit, there is no such thing as time or space.
You may call or email Jamie regarding your concerns/problems/situation you wish to clear. Choosing which type of session you prefer can be done when scheduling.
Before you phone or email, make a list of the areas you wish to work on.
Examples are:
- Present Life: current concerns – people or places involved, people you may have conflicts with
- Health Problems: any allergies, phobia, recurring physical issues, pain in the body
- Finances: career challenges: any repeating cycles blocking prosperity
- Relationships: difficulties with parents, siblings, spouse, children, boss, others.
Please know that SRT is not billable under insurance and will be a separate part of therapy if you choose to elect to work in this way.
Initial sessions can be up to 2 hours. Cost for sessions are $150.
See how Spiritual Response Therapy can work for you by scheduling with Jamie Kruse, please email her directly at jamie@torus-therapy.com or by calling, at 224-803-2295.
Additional Information/Resources
To read more about Energy Clearing and SRT, read our blog here!
Want to learn more about SRT and learn how to practice? SRT Basic Training Class is returning to Batavia in 2025 with Kathleen Butler!